品牌 | CENTER/中国台湾群特 |
CENTER 376热电阻温度计精密中心(0.01℃)
CENTER 375/376 is our most accurate temperature measuring system. With the accuracy of 0.1 °C and resolution of 0.01°C, it will fulfill the most critical measuring requirement. The unit is equipped with stand and large backlight LCD that makes this unit perfect to setup a test station on the site.
CENTER 375/376是我们zui精确的温度测量系统。0.1 ° C的精度和0.01 ° C分辨率,它将满足zui关键的测量要求。本机配备了背架和大型背光液晶显示屏,使本机建立了一个*的现场试验站。
Tilt Stand.
•高的精度0.01 ° C分辨率。
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